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Colopleural Fistula. A Case Report and Review of Literature

The presence of a colopleural fistula is a rare event related to several factors, inadequate placement of drains, poor surgical technique, infection or dehiscence of a GI anastomosis. Only a small percentage occurs as a complication of inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, trauma or radiation. 

Atypical Presentation of Post-Kala Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis in Bhutan

This article describes an atypical case of post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis associated with complications due to delayed diagnosis and poor case management. The grave consequences of the prolonged disease process, which included facial disfigurement, visual impairment and distress both to the patient and the family with increased the risk of infection spread in the community are elaborated.

Fetal Vascular Rings: Beyond The Anomalies of The Aortic Arch

Different anomalies related to the inappropriate development of the ductus arteriosus or the aortic arch have been described, in some cases accompanied with chromosomal or morphological anomalies, and also being able to form a vascular ring that can compromise the postnatal life.

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