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March 22, 2025

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Trunking More Successfully than the Gow Gates Technique

Trunking More Successfully than the Gow Gates Technique

My experience with the truncal arteries, I don’t trust soft tissue or bone. When anesthetizing you have to assess the technique to choose so
as not to fail, for this I recommend assessing the panoramic of ray x and palpating the branch (rarely can it be felt). When observing the oral cavity, soft tissues such as the tongue and jugal mucosa must be assessed

Rare Idiopathic Ileocecal Colic Intussusception in Adult with Delayed  Presentation: A Case Report

Rare Idiopathic Ileocecal Colic Intussusception in Adult with Delayed Presentation: A Case Report

Adult Intussusception is rare as it has been found in only 1 out of 1300 (0.08%) abdominal surgeries and represents < 1% of adult intestinal obstruction cases. The overall incidence of adult Intussusception is 1-3 cases per 100,000 population comprising 5% of all intussusception cases.

Recurrent Primary Isolated Hydatid Cyst of Spleen with Giant Splenic Lipoma  Mimicking Liposarcoma: A Case Report

Recurrent Primary Isolated Hydatid Cyst of Spleen with Giant Splenic Lipoma Mimicking Liposarcoma: A Case Report

The incidence of splenic hydatid cyst is 1% and it comprises 0.5% – 4% of abdominal hydatid cyst. The recurrence rate of hydatid cyst is
reported to be in the range of 4.6% – 22% in different literatures.

Concomitant Repair of Parastomal Hernia in the Presence of Midline Ventral  Hernia. How Do I Do It?

Concomitant Repair of Parastomal Hernia in the Presence of Midline Ventral Hernia. How Do I Do It?

Parastomal hernias (PHs) and midline ventral hernias are frequent complications following abdominal surgeries, particularly stoma creation, and laparotomies. These hernias are associated with significant morbidity, high recurrence rates, and impaired quality of life.

When the Feeding Tube Becomes the Fishing Rod

When the Feeding Tube Becomes the Fishing Rod

1. Abstract
A 62-year-old male presented to the Emergency Department with bilateral lower limb edema and dyspnea persisting for 4 days, accompanied by a 2-month history of melena.

A Case Report of a Diagnosis Challenge: Hot Water Epilepsy and Anxiety Disorder

A Case Report of a Diagnosis Challenge: Hot Water Epilepsy and Anxiety Disorder
Reflex epilepsy is a specific form of epilepsy, distinguished by the occurrence of seizures in response to specific external stimuli [1]. A notable example of this condition is what is known as Hot Water Epilepsy(HWE), which is characterized by the occurrence of seizures triggered by the pouring of hot water.

STUMP- A Challenging Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Dilemma

STUMP- A Challenging Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Dilemma

Smooth Muscle Tumor of Uncertain Malignant Potential (STUMP) refers to a diverse group of uterine neoplasms that do not fully meet
the histologic criteria for classification as either benign or malignant tumors.

Splenic Artery Aneurysm

Splenic Artery Aneurysm

1. Abstract
Splenic artery aneurysm (SAA) is uncommon disease. Reported SAAs are increased because of advanced radiological diagnostic modalities. The aim of this study is to analyze of clinical findings of SAAs and to evaluate of endovascular therapies of SAAs.

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