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Spontaneous muscle hematoma in patients with COVID-19: Experience of 3 cases

The overall bleeding complication rate in patients receiving anticoagulation, whether in COVID-19 or non-COVID-19 patients is low, only slightly higher in critically ill patients and those receiving a therapeutic dose of anticoagulants. Among bleeding complications, spontaneous muscle hematomas (SMH) are particularly uncommon, often overlooked or misdiagnosed.

Intervention of Sleep Quality in The Onset of Concomitant Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients

This work allows us to observe the quality of sleep and respect for circadian cycles as very important factors in the development of multiple diseases and in various specialties, which affects in the rapeutic methods, both in external and hospitalized patients and the variety of symptoms that can be observed, through a practical survey method, with the main objective of contributing to the awareness of the importance of sleep hygiene measures and their improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Transverse myelitis in a patient with COVID-19: a case report

1.1. Background: There has been growing evidence of COVID-19 potentially causing a wide range of neurological abnormalities from as mild as anosmia to as serious as stroke. It is important to recognize that amid this pandemic, we have been seeing different manifestations and associations of COVID-19.

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