Spontaneous muscle hematoma in patients with COVID-19: Experience of 3 cases
The overall bleeding complication rate in patients receiving anticoagulation, whether in COVID-19 or non-COVID-19 patients is low, only slightly higher in critically ill patients and those receiving a therapeutic dose of anticoagulants. Among bleeding complications, spontaneous muscle hematomas (SMH) are particularly uncommon, often overlooked or misdiagnosed.
cA rare cause of biliary obstruction caused by egg of Fasciola hepatica mimicking biliary duct stone or rupture of liver hydatid cystase report
Fasciola hepatica is an endemic parasitic disease in Iran and some countries in the world. The humans are accidentally infected by Fasciola in the life cycle. The definitive host is sheep. When human infected, the presentations are in two shape: acute or hepatic and chronic or biliary shape.
Hepatic Portal Venous Gas in 91-Year-Old Patient with Good Long-Term Prognosis: A Case Report
1.1. Introduction: Hepatic portal venous gas(HPVG) are rarely seen. Case: A 91-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital with chief complaints of severe sudden abdominal pain. Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) was visible in abdominal CT. Abdominal pain persisted and gradually worsened