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March 11, 2025

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Four unique laboratory characteristics applied to assess the severity of COVID-19

The sudden outbreaking of COVID-19 worldwide has brought into sharp increased burden of economic and treatment. How to simply, quickly and accurately assess the severity of pa tients with COVID-19 in the early stage after hospital admission is essential for healthcare systems.

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of Parotid Gland: 2 Cases and Literature Review

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (MEC) of the salivary gland account ed for 5% of all salivary gland tumors and 20% of all malignant salivary gland tumors [1].

Concomitant Diseases in a Complex Case of Peritonitis after Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection (Starr) in Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (Ods). Role of a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Multidisciplinary Approach

Approximately 0.06-2.3% of the population presents a Jejunal and Ileal Diverticular (JID) disease, of whom approximately 10% de velop life-threatening complications such as inflammation, perfo ration, bleeding, obstruction, and malabsorption [1-3, 9.

Genetic Polymorphic Impact of Metabolizing Enzyme (CYP3A4 and UGT1A4 genes) on Anastrazole Response in Iraqi Breast Cancer Women

1.1. Background and Objective: Anastrazole is an aromatase in hibitor used widely in therapy of breast cancer and has been metab olized by CYP3A4 and UGT1A4 in liver. B

Diffuse cystic airspaces in bilateral lungs caused by anlotinib

A 31-year-old woman, who was diagnosed of stage IVB pulmo nary adenocarcinoma in July, 2018, accepted first-line treatment of afatinib and second-line treatment of platinum-based doublet chemotherapy.

Schwannoma with extensive vascular hyperplasia in the breast mimicking angiosarcoma

Schwannoma with extensive vascular hyperplasia in the breast is extremely rare. It is typically benign and slow growing. Here, we describe a case of 54-year-old woman underwent complete resec tion of a tumor measuring 2.5×2.0 cm in the breast.

A Case Of Giant Intrapericardial Teratoma Of The Heart In An Infant With A Favorable Outcome

Primary cardiac tumors in newborns and young children are rare, but they affect significantly their health and can be the cause of sudden death.

Mandibular AV Malformation: life-threatening Bleeding from the Mouth managed by endovascular intervention complicated by Acute Ischemic Stroke on table. Case Report

Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of mandibula are rare abnor mal congenital vascular condition that can result in serious com plicatios.

Solitary gastric metastasis of breast invasive lobular carcinoma

A 52-year-old female patient with solitary gastric metastasis from breast invasive lobular cancer without any other organ involve ment is presented in this study. Solitary gastric metastasis of breast cancers is very rare.

Laparoscopic resection of large endo-cervical polyp through Posterior colpotomy as an alternative access to vagina in virgin patients

Endometrial polyps have been involved in about 50% of patients with abnormal uterine bleeding and 35% of infertile patients. Man agement of pedunculated endocervical myoma or polyp normal ly requires intervention via the vaginal route

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