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March 11, 2025

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A case of delayed-onset paraplegia at 7 days after thoracic endovascular aortic repair

Paraplegia after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) is a common complication, but it is rare for it to occur at 1 week after TEVAR. We describe a patient with delayed-onset paraplegia that occurred 7 days after TEVAR. A 76-year-old woman had a thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and abdominal aortic aneurysm. She had undergone Y-graft replacement and visceral debranching surgery.

Relationship between LDH and Mg in Monitoring of Hematologic and Non-Hematologic Malignant Diseases

1.1. Aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and magnesium (Mg) in patients with diagnosed malignant diseases.

Fiberoptic bronchoscopic treatment of gastric aspiration in a patient with chest stomach ectopia A case report

Patients who received esophageal resection and gastro-esophageal rebuild before was likely to occur stomach-ectopia to chest when years later. Patients who occurred gastric aspiration during anesthesia have very high risks proceeding to severe aspiration pneumonia or Mendelson’s syndrome

Non-structural 5A resistance-associated substitutions and Interleukin28B in HCV genotype 3b decompensated cirrhosis patients with sofosbuvir plus velpatasvir

1.1. Background: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotype (GT) infection is still regarded as one of the more “difficult-to-treat” GTs in the era of IFN-free treatments. The viral factors involved in this unfavorable outcome have yet to be clarified.

A protruded leision with hemorrhage of unexpected histological findings

An 83-year-old man complained of repeated hematochezia for 3 months. No other medical history was reported except for the percutaneous needle aspiration of left renal cyst 10 years ago. Colonoscopy revealed a 25-mm protruded lesion with central ulcer formation at the descending colon (Figure 1A).

Fatal anaphylactic shock from wasp sting despite desensitisation – a case report

Anaphylaxis from Hymenoptera despite conventional venom immunotherapy is rare. We present a case in a previously healthy male with suspected cutaneous mastocytosis, who developed a fatal anaphylaxis due to cerebral hypoperfusion after wasp sting. The report is a reminder that up to 20% of patients allergic to Hymenoptera venom are not protected by conventional venom immunotherapy.

Generalized eruptive keratoacanthomas involving the auricles and external auditory canal:A case report and literature review

1.1. Objective: The aim of this study was to report a case of Generalized Eruptive Keratoacanthomas (GEKA) involving the auricles and external auditory canal and to review the relevant literature

Short course oral digoxin treatment in acute decompensated heart failure: a case control study

1.1. Background: Despite many critical voices regarding its efficacy and safety, digoxin may still have a role in the management of heart failure. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a short course digoxin therapy started in the emergency department based on clinical outcome after 30 days post hospital discharge.

A rare association of a ruptured middle colic artery giant aneurysm and a celiac artery dissection – A case report and literature review

The occurrence of rupture is the worst among the circumstances of the discovery of a Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) branch aneurysm. Despite it remains a rare event, many cases have been reported in the literature. The occurrence correlation of a pancreatico-duodenal aneurysm with isolated celiac artery injury has been proven

Subclinical thyroiditis related to COVID-19: A case report and literature review

COVID-19 can cause different clinical manifestation by affecting different organs in the body. Involvement of thyroid gland is very rare in COVID-19 infection than any other systems of the body. We described a 41-year-old female with subclinical thyroiditis most likely related to corona virus infection and reviewed literatures regarding cases of thyroiditis due to COVID-19 have been reported. The objective of this article is to create awareness regarding this novel entity and the association with thyroid dysfunction.

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