Height is a measure of consumption that incorporates nutritional needs: When and What?
Japan suffered heavily from WWII. Per capita food supply was 1,450 and 1,700 kcal/day in 1946 and 1947, respectively. Japan’s economy quickly recovered to the pre-war level in 10 years after the war, 2,200 kcal/day in average food supply in 1955, making steady progress toward the end of the century.
Successful management of a broken stylet retained in tracheobronchial tree-a case report
In Covid-19 pandemic, the use of video laryngoscope for tracheal intubation is highly recommended due to the increasing distance between patient’s airway and operator. An endotracheal tube with an intubating stylet has been proposed to facilitate tracheal tube insertion, especially when video laryngoscope was used.
Risk Analysis of Secular Trends for a Later Age at MPV of Weight in an Earthquake Disaster Environment
The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in 2011, bringing un precedented damage to the Tohoku region of Japan. Today, after 11 years, the scars from that tremendous damage remain.
Transcatheter Closure of an Anastomotic Leak after the Bentall Procedure with the Guidance of 3-Dimensional Printing
1.1. Objective: We describe the use of 3-dimensional (3D) printing technology to guide the occlusion of an anastomotic leak (AL) in the ascending aorta.
DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Events Underlying Renal Cell Carcinomas
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) refers to a group of tumors that de velop from the epithelium of the kidney tubes, including clear cell RCC, papillary RCC, and chromophobe RCC. Most clear cell renal carcinomas have a large histologic subtype, genetic or epigenetic genetic von Hippel-Lindau (VHL).
COVID-19-associated pneumothorax: case reports
Spontaneous pneumothorax associated with COVID-19 is rare. We reported four cases and reviewed the literature. Among the reports, 29% and 42% were a-/oligosymptomatic or symptomatic but improving, respectively. Clinicians must be aware of this com plication because it can happen when the patient with COVID-19 was a-/oligosymptomatic or had improving symptoms.
TEMPI Syndrome: a rare plasma cell paraneoplastic syndrome that mainly characterized by telangiectasias, monoclonal gammopathy, elevated erythropoietin level and erythrocytosis
TEMPI syndrome is a rare plasma cell paraneoplastic syndrome that mainly manifests as telangiectasias, monoclonal gammopathy, elevated erythropoietin levels and erythrocytosis, perinephric fluid collection and intrapulmonary shunting.
A Clinical Study of Astragalus Injection in Preventing and Treating Stroke-Associated Pneumonia
1.1. Background and Purpose: Stroke-associated pneumonia (SAP) is a disease with a high incidence in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), which seriously threatens people’s health. However, there is no effective prevention method for SAP.
The effectiveness of the blockade of the transverse abdominal space in the early postoperative period after cesarean section
Recently, active research has been conducted in the schemes of multimodal anesthesia of new methods of regional anesthesia based on myofascial blocks. Such blocks include the blockade of the transverse abdominal space (Transversus abdominis planet block – TAR). The advantage of this anesthesia is ease of imple mentation, low risk of complications, impact on the initial stages of pain syndrome, which provides a stress-limiting effect [1]. At the same time, the TAP block does not provide blockade of vis ceral nociceptive impulses, but significantly reduces the severity of the somatic component of pain.
Dermatological health in the COVID-19 era
COVID-19 and its impact on dermatological health was reviewed from theoretical and statistical frameworks in the present study. A cross-sectional and retrospective work was documented with a se lection of sources indexed to Scopus, considering the period from 2019 to 2022, as well as the search by keywords.