Case Report: A 52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of a 5G Base Station Close to Her Apartment
In this case report we present a woman aged 52 years who de veloped health problems consistent with the microwave syndrome after installation of a 5G base station facing her apartment at 60 meters’ distance. These symptoms consisted of e.g., headache, diz ziness, concentration difficulties, fatigue, arrhythmia, skin burn ing and nose bleeding corresponding to the microwave syndrome. High radiofrequency (RF) radiation levels were measured in her apartment especially in the part closest to the base station. In her living room at the window 17 500 to 758 000 μW/m2 peak levels were obtained during 10 measurements, each over 1 minute. At the place of her sofa in her living room peak levels from 36 800 to 222 000 μW/m2 were measured. It is noteworthy that very high radiation was found at the balcony facing the base station. All ten measurements at that place yielded within 10-15 seconds peak lev els >2 500 000 μW/m2 , which is the highest measurable level with the meter used in this study. At the playground about 40 meters from the base station peak levels of 1 120 000 μW/m2 and 479 000 μW/m2 were measured, respectively. After temporally leaving the apartment for another dwelling with much lower RF radiation, 96 to 2 810 μW/m2 peak levels, almost all symptoms disappeared within a short time. After moving back to her own apartment the symptoms reappeared. This study is in line with the results of our two previous case studies showing that installation of 5G caused an extreme increase in exposure and rapid development of the mi crowave syndrome. These case studies indicate that implementa tion of 5G cannot be done without the risk of harmful effects on human health.