A Pre-Neoplastic Lesion: A Case Study
The aim of this paper is to report a case of Actinic Dermatosis in an 8-year-old female adult dog with erythematous skin. In the clinical evaluation, the animal presented normal parameters for the species, but, due to the lesions observed, cytological and parasito logical skin tests were requested, which showed the presence of bacteria (cocci), degenerated neutrophils, and dermatophyte fungi, and demodicidosis. Treatment consisted of the use of numerous drugs such as itraconazole, amoxicillin with potassium clavulo nate, predinisolone, Sarolaner, and immunomodulators. In addi tion, the animal has a topical treatment with ketoconazole sham poo and cream. Generally, deep pyoderma that reach the follicle of dogs and form ulcerated wounds, cause a chronic inflammation of the skin, due to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, or familial predisposition or microbial hypersensitivity, or due to other diseases and, usual ly, they are recurrent and do not allow healing. However, in this specific case, the treatment allowed the animal to improve nearly 80%. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47829/ACMCR.2023.101419
A Pre-Neoplastic Lesion: A Case Study Read More »