Severe Intracranial Subdural Hematoma Following Epidural Anaesthesia in Pregnancy: A Case Report

Severe headache is one of the quite common complication after a dural puncture procedure be it diagnostic (lumbar puncture) or un intentional (e.g., after epidural anaesthesia). Knowing that Postur al Puncture Headache (PDPH) most often becomes the culprit in most cases, many severe and serious etiologists should be assessed though its frequently rare due to other causes of headache after Du ral puncture. (e.g., tension headache, migraine, and PDPH) known as the most common. It’s very easy to misdiagnose PDPH from PEISH due to the clinical similarities in manifestation. However, we are presenting a case of this rare complication by presenting the difference between PDPH and PEISH.

Severe Intracranial Subdural Hematoma Following Epidural Anaesthesia in Pregnancy: A Case Report Read More »