Cross-sectional study on prevalence of psychological comorbidity in patients with psoriasis
This study investigates the prevalence of psychological comorbid ity in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis vulgaris. Further more, the relation between the type of disorder and the degree of psoriasis severity has been analysed. In 10 German study sites 137 female (61 = 44.5%) and male (76=55.5%) patients that had been diagnosed with moderate or severe psoriasis by a qualified derma tologist were surveyed. The most frequent observed comorbidities were moderate to severe depressive syndromes (23.4%), followed by alcohol syndromes (5.8%) and panic disorders (4.6%). Analysis of relations between the type and severity of disorder and the de gree of psoriasis severity showed no significant correlations. The present data confirm the psychosocial stress of patient with psori asis regardless of the degree of severity.