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March 11, 2025

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A Case of Severe Skin and Soft Tissue Infection in the Left Upper Limb Caused by Aeromonas veronii

We report a case of severe infection by Aeromonas veronii in the left upper limb caused by accidentally injuring the left thumb while cutting a fish. Bacterial culture was performed to confirm the pathogen and the whole-genome sequencing revealed the drug resistance genes and virulence genes further. The drug sensitivity test showed that Aeromonas veronii was sensitive to cephalospo rins, aminoglycosides, and quinolones but resistant to penicillin and carbapenems.

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation combined with disseminated infection by Trichosporon asahii:a case study and literature review

Invasive fungal disease (IFD) is a common postoperative compli cation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (al lo-HSCT), the most common bacterial pathogen being Candida and Aspergillus. In recent years, the incidence of rare yeast infec tions, which is difficult to treat and has a high mortality, has gradu ally increased. Here we report the diagnosis and treatment process of allo-HSCT combined with Disseminated infection by Trichos poron asahii from our hospital and review some of the references.

Radionuclide Tracer Technology in the Diagnosis of Thoracoabdominal Fistula and Localization of Fistula Points: A Pilot Study

1.1. Purpose: This study aims to explore the clinical utility of ra dionuclide tracer technology in the diagnosis and localization of thoracoabdominal fistulas.

The association between mental health and caries: a preliminary study of graduate students in China

1.1. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the association between mental health and dental caries in graduate students in China. 1.2. Methods: Three structured psychological scales, includ ing the Symptom Checklist 90, Perceived Social Support Scale, and General Well-Being Schedule were administered to evaluate mental health. Dental caries consists of three parts, oral question naires, caries susceptibility tests and caries examinations. Oral questionnaires assessing oral health, oral hygiene, and oral habits were regarded as potential confounding factors. Cariostat caries susceptibility test was used to evaluate caries susceptibility.

Successful treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii infection in burn child with avibactam/sulbactam

Infection with multi-drug resistant bacteria is an uprising clini cal problem that requires the development of new antimicrobial agents. Sulbactam/avibactam increases sulbactam activity against multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in vitro; however, it has not been tested clinically yet.

Clinical and evolutionary features of SARS CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in children

Starting with December 2019 the medical world has faced a new challenge as a consequence of a new type of coronavi rus-2019-nCoV, similar to several familiar strains that determine a comparable symptomatology (SARS- severe acute respirato ry syndrome, MERS- Middle East severe acute respiratory syn drome), subsequently named SARS CoV-2, while the disease it causes- COVID-19. The virus is of animal origin and through an intermediate host (probably also a mammal) it suffered genetic changes thus acquiring human cells receptors.

Dislodgement of left main stent following intravascular imaging: How the technician disclosed distracted stent and prevented potential serious complications.

A 54-years old patient with chronic ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with multivessel coronary ar tery disease. Complex left main coronary stenosis was treated suc cessfully with 2 stents using Culotte technique followed by stent optimization with intravascular imaging. However, one hour later Cath lab technician during copying images on CD observed that the stent contours from Cx artery were missing. The patient was brought back to Cath lab and distracted stent in the left main was successfully managed.

An Orocutaneous Fistula In A Puckered Scar Treated With Local Flaps : A Case Report

Aesthetic facial reconstruction requires understanding regional anatomy and tissue movement and the ability to use innovative ly the tissue adjacent to the defect to create a reconstruction that preserves the function of the area and the cosmetic facial units [1]. Here we present a case of right cheek post-operative puckered scar with orocutaneous fistula operated and covered with hinge flap for inner lining and limberg flap for cover. The defect is filled with tissue of the same thickness and colour, and with good vascularity [2]. Here we used local tissues for facial resurfacing to restore fa cial contour and closure of fistula.

Combined application of ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage and urokinase lavage: an economical and effective treatment for muscle hematomas in hemophiliacs

1.1. Aim: An initial attempt to treat hemophiliac hematoma by ul trasound-guided intratumoral drainage combined with urokinase lavage after adequate supplementation of coagulation factors.

Tail-Biting and Tail-Chewing in Weaned Holstein Heifers

The objective of this case report was to present an abnormal so cio-nutri-psychological behavior or tail-biting/chewing in weaned Holstein heifers. Dairy heifers raised under commercial systems are separated from their dams and moved to individual or group housing systems which are different from their natural environ ment. Cross-suckling and non-nutritive behaviors are common in heifers reared artificially under intensive systems, especially those with restricted milk feeding programs.

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