Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a slowly growing malignant neoplasm with possible widespread distant metastasis. The diag nosis requires thorough clinical, radiological and histopathologic examination. Here, we report a case of a 40-year-old male who presented back pain, paresthesia, dysphagia and swelling around the left mandibular region.
Immunotherapy is an important treatment modality in cancer, but it can also cause adverse reactions, with skin toxicity being the most common. The increasing number of immune checkpoint in hibitors being used in the clinic will inevitably cause an increase in the rate of adverse skin reactions that markedly affect the patient’s quality of life. A 58-year-old patient with intrahepatic cholangio carcinoma developed bullous pemphigoid (BP) nearly a year after using immune checkpoint inhibitors, which is different from what has been reported in the literature within two weeks of treatment. Pathologically, the skin biopsy diagnosis was epidermal hyper plasia and focal sub-epidermal pustule formation, consistent with drug-induced dermatitis.
Patients with Parkinsonism may present acutely to the ED with serious and even life-threatening conditions. Although falls are a common presentation in advanced Parkinsonism, early presen tations with falls should alert the clinician that the patient might have a Parkinson syndrome other than Parkinson’s disease itself, including autonomic neuropathy causing orthostatic hypotension. Patients may present with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, acute psychosis, marked hypokinesis, freezing gait, aspiration pneumo nia, dysphagia, serotonin syndrome, dopamine dysregulation syn drome and intestinal pseudo-obstruction. An inpatient admission is necessary for investigation and observation of these patients.
V-P shunt is the most common surgery done in paediatric hydro cephalus. Though the surgery remains as ‘minor’ in the arena of Neurosurgery, its complication surpass any boundary. Here we discuss a case of shunt complication which had malfunctioning shunt with both end malposition, cranial end occluded by septum and cortex and peritoneal end invading bowel. Surgery was taking a new course for dramatic appearance of COVID 19.
1.1. Background: Thromboembolic events can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. A thrombotic event can occur in Kidney transplant recipients due to several reasons, one of them is the use of sirolimus which has been shown to have thrombogenic poten tial.
1.1. Background: Based on molecular profiling, malignant mel anoma is classified in four different groups. NF1-mutated tumors are a small subgroup occurring with a frequency of 13% of all malignant melanomas, usually harboring a high tumor mutational burden (TMB). Considering TMB as being a prerequisite for the effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy, we were wondering if this rare subtype is associated with a higher response rate to immunotherapy than it is known for the general melanoma population.
Case presenation of a rare clinical manifestation of a relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a young woman manifested by growing uterus mimicking a myomatous uterus.
Worldwide there are different systems for providing pharmacy ser vices. Most countries have some element of state assistance, either for all patients or selected groups such as children, and some pri vate provisions. Medicines are financed either through cost sharing or full private. The role of the private services is therefore much more significant. Nationally, there is a mismatch between the num bers of pharmacists and where are they worked, and the demand for pharmacy services.
Chronic fatigue syndrome characterized by severe disabling fa tigue, prolonged post-exertional malaise, and unrefreshing sleep markedly reduces the activities of daily living and impairs the quality of life. Central nervous system dysfunction associated with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) has been postulated as the main cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Recently, oral mino cycline therapy has been reported to exert favorable therapeutic effects in some patients with ME, especially in the initial stage of the disease, although many patients discontinued treatment in the first few days because of acute adverse effects such as nausea and/or dizziness.
Pseudotumor or florid cystitis glandularis is the bladder urothelial of the which mainly affects humans [1,2,3]. It is facilitated by chronic and recurrent irritation of the bladder. Because of its non-specific symptoms, it poses a diagnostic prob lem with malignant bladder tumors [4]. We report 1 case of cystitis glandularis. In the light of this case, we will discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects as well as the prognosis of this condition.
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