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March 11, 2025

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Molecular Signature and Anataomical Features of a Hypertrophic Scar From Abdominal Skin of a 36-Year-Old Female

Hypertrophic scarring is formed as a result of abnormal wound healing. Efforts have been made to understand the mechanism of hypertrophic scarring for prevention and treatment, mainly by using several model systems.

From Simple Painkiller to an TNF-Alpha Inhibitor and Back Again or Doing Less is Always More in Geriatrics

81 y old male in LTCF with primary learning disability and cervico-dorso-lombarthrosis treated by WHO level 1 painkiller

Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma with Focal Osseous Metaplasia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Osseous metaplasia in clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC) is uncommon with few cases reported. We present a case of a 66year-old male in which a right renal lesion in a colorrectal screening was incidentally identified. Computed tomography scan revealed a heterogeneous enhanced mass lesion having areas of hemorrhagic and specks of calcification.

A Rare Translocation of t (1, 5) (q21, q32) in a Case of Myeloid Neoplasm With Eosinophilia

Myeloid neoplasm with eosinophilia is a kind of unusual hematological malignancy. Back in the morphological diagnosis era, the prognosis was generally poor and the best treatment for these cases was allo-stem cell transplantation. According to the classification of eosinophilic diseases revised in the 2008 WHO scheme of myeloid neoplasms and reaffirmed in 2016, more detailed cytogenetic rearrangement and molecular mutations were included in the diagnosis and treatment algorithm.

Successfully Treated New-Onset Pilocytic Astrocytoma in a Pregnant Patient

Pilocytic astrocytomas are typically pediatric brain tumors, and they are rarely diagnosed in older adults, especially in childbearing patients. However, if they present in pregnant women, they have a potentially catastrophic maternal and fetal outcome.

Genital Hear Tourniquet Syndrome in A 5-Year Old Girl

A swollen and painful clitoris was noticed by the parents of a 5 year-old-girl. A hair tourniquet was found at the base of the clitoris and mechanically removed in the hospital. Genital hair thread tourniquet syndrome is a rare entity, which can be misdiagnosed and can lead to genital complications if the treatment is delayed.

Condyloma Acuminata in an Infant: Case Report in a Resource Limited Setting

Condyloma acuminata are soft, skin colored, fleshy warts that are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), typically HPV 6 and 11 genotypes.

The Differences Between Exfoliative Cheilitis and Factitial Cheilitis, Also Its Association with B12 Deficiency: A Review Article

Cheilitis is generally an inflammation that occurs in the vermillion border of the lips. Exfoliative Cheilitis is a chronic disease that occurs locally only on the vermillion border of the lips, which until now the exact cause has not been identified.

Safety and Efficacy of Modified BRTO-Assisted Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Injection for the Treatment of Isolated Gastric Varices with Gastro-Renal Shunt

Ectopic embolization is the most serious complication of gastric variceal Cyanoacrylate injection for the treatment of isolated gastric varices (IGV) with gastro-renal shunt (GRS). To evaluate the safety and efficacy of modified balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration-assisted endoscopic Cyanoacrylate injection (E-BRTO) for the treatment of IGV with GRS.

The Role of Genetic Mutations in Y Chromosome Infertility Syndrome

Sex chromosome Y infertility is a genetic disorder that affects sperm production and causes affected men to become infertile. Most men with Y chromosome infertility syndrome have some sperm cells in their urine that can be extracted for this purpose.

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