1. Abstract
1.1. Background: This study aimed to explore the neural mechanisms underlying gender differences in the process of recognizing emotional expressions conveyed through body language. Using electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, we investigated the impact of gender on event-related potentials (ERP) to unveil gender disparities in bodily emotion recognition.
1. Abstract
Gastric cancer remains a considerable global health burden, with limited treatment options available for advanced cases, especially for the superaged patients (> 80 years as defined by the World Health Organization).
Medial meniscal posterior root (MMPR) tears have become in- creasingly recognized in adults. The consequences of meniscal root tears are severe with a subsequent risk of developing rapid end-stage osteoarthritis.
1. Summary
An inguinal hernia is a bulging of the contents of the abdomen through a weak area in the lower abdominal wall. Inguinal hernias can occur at either of two passages through the lower abdominal wall, one on each side of the groin.
1. Abstract
Intracranial artery aneurysm is coincidently found more frequently in pituitary adenoma, but cavernous aneurysm of internal carotid artery associated with invasive large pituitary adenoma is extremely
rare which might be encountered during trans-sphenoid surgery and may cause catastrophic hemorrhagic complications.
1. Abstract
1.1. Introduction Castleman’s disease (CD), described in 1956, is characterized as a low-incidence lymphoproliferative disorder with varied clinical manifestations, from asymptomatic to severe disseminated forms. The diagnosis is confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry and should be considered after more common lymphoid diseases have been ruled out. This paper aims to describe a case of CD as a retroperitoneal tumor.
1. Abstract
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by chronic inflammation, primarily affecting the synovial joints but also associated with numerous extra-articular manifestations.
1. Abstract
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects joints but can have systemic implications including increased cardiovascular risk.
1. Introduction
It is a surgery that improves the projection, shape and volume of the buttocks. Gluteoplasty (from the Greek gloutόs and grupa or plassein meaning to shape), which denotes the plastic surgery and fat grafting procedures for the correction and shaping of the congenital, acquired and traumatic defects of the buttocks. Besides the anatomy of the gluteal region, we can re-shape the gluteal area, performing an aesthetic enhancement, by augmentation or
1. Summary
In 2023, Tajikistan experienced a serious epidemic of lumpy skin disease (LSD), primarily in regions with high concentrations of livestock.
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