Starting in 2022, the WHO disease classification system ICD-11(International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision) will have
a code called “aging-related.”
1. Summary
The origin of a coronary artery in a sinus other than the usual one is a rare cause of congenital anomaly, estimated at 0.05% to 0.1%
for right coronary arteries originating from the left coronary sinus, with an important potential to cause sudden cardiac death.
1. Abstract
1.1. Introduction: The purpose of this study is to compare dental and skeletal effects in Herbst appliance treatment without anchorage, with interradicular skeletal anchorage and with skeletal anchorage in the external oblique line.
1. Abstract
Twin reversal arterial perfusion sequence is rare, and the most extreme complication of monochorionic monozygotic multiple
gestation. Characteristically, there exists a recipient “acardiac” fetus that depends on the other donor, “Pump” fetus.
1. Abstract
1.1. Objective: This study used cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis to examine the root number and types of maxil lary third molars in Yemen.
1. Abstract
Compound volvulus or double volvulus, is a rare surgical emergency causing a closed-loop intestinal obstruction that involves
the sigmoid and ileum. In pregnancy, compound volvulus is very rare, ranging from 3.2% to 5.9% of all compound volvulus cases. The mean mortality rate in compound volvulus is 35.5%.
1. Summary
The origin of a coronary artery in a sinus other than the usual one is a rare cause of congenital anomaly, estimated at 0.05% to 0.1%
for right coronary arteries originating from the left coronary sinus, with an important potential to cause sudden cardiac death.
1. Introduction
The integrated nociception index (NOL, Medtronic®) provides an alert to the presence of pain, as well as its severity, integrating and
evaluating physiological responses in response to it.
1. Abstract
Rectal atresia is a rare subtype of anorectal malformations in which the patients are born with a normal anal canal but have complete atresia located few centimeters proximal to the dentate line.
1. Abstract
1.1. Objective: To explore the application value of the principal component distance of anatomical features in skull-face matching.
Materials and Methods50 cases of human head CT data, including 25 males and 25 females.
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