1. Abstract
1.1. Purpose: To describe a case of successful pregnancy follow ing a unilateral adnexectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy in a 46,
XY gonadal dysgenetic woman with a unilateral gonadoblastoma
and endodermal sinus tumor.
1. Introduction
Persistent left sided Superior vena cava (PLSVC) is encountered
in 0.3% of healthy population and majority of times gets inciden tally detected during a left sided internal jugular catheter insertion
or during electrophysiological studies. There are couple of reports
where after its accidental cannulation, dialysis has been continued
for a variable period of time.
1. Abstract
Aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma (ASA), a rare transient disease that occurs after water immersion and disappears shortly after drying, is more commonly observed in young women, which
mostly affects the palms, and to a lesser extent the feet. We reported a 40-year-old Asian man with 13-year history of erythema
and pale brown flattened papules on hands with no involvement of
palms which was diagnosed as ASA.
1. Abstract
Antennas emitting radiofrequency (RF) radiation for 5G wireless communication are being deployed since 2019/2020 in Sweden, although no studies are available on health impacts from the new 5G radiation.
1. Summary
When cervical cancer happens it’s often first treated with surgery to remove the cancer. Other treatments may include medicines to kill cancer cells. Options might include chemotherapy and targeted therapy medicines. Radiation therapy with powerful energy beams also may be used. Sometimes treatment combines radiation with low-dose chemotherapy [1].
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