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Case Report

Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis of the Left Limb in Range from Vena Poplitea Up to Vena Ilica Communis Ending in the Stream of Vena Cava Inferior in Patient Pregnanant in 38th Week of Pregnancy – Case Report – Is it Possible to Manage these Kind of Patients on just the Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology?

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Case Report

We Need to Rehabilitate the Brains of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: The Incredible Gains with Transcranial Direct Current Electrostimulation (tDCS)

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Research Article

The Biophyisacal Modeling of the Perturbations in the Living System

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Review Article

The EMA and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonists: A Wake-Up Call

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Research Article

In-Vitro Evaluation of Heavy Metal Tolerance and Biosorptive Potential of Two Native Strains of Bacillus Cereus Against Nickel and Cobalt

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Case Report

A Paradigm Shift in the Utilization of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in Clinical Practice

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Case Report

Mycobacterium Chelonae Line Sepsis in a 4-Year-Old Male with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

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Research Article

Do Anxiety Scores of Pregnant Women Correlate with Doppler Indices of Uterine and Umbilical Arteries?

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Case Report

Gallbladder Torsion : The Importance of Early Diagnosis And Prompt Surgery: Two Cases Reports

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Clinical Image

A Large Bronchogeniccyst in the Mediastinum

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