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March 11, 2025

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Prednisone and Tranexamic Acid Oral Treatment in Chronic Subdural Hematoma: Case Series

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: During the Covid era, the avoidance of suggest to come to the hospital for patient with simptoms and pathology which can be treated conservatively, have been a diffused habit. Chronic subdural hematoma is a well known neurosurgical pathology, which can be treated by surgical intervention or conservative treatment, and the choice between this two modality of treatment has to be made on the base of many parameters.

Look like Miller Fisher’s Syndrome but not: A Case of Bilateral Cranial Nerves Paralyze as The Clinical Manifestation of Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis

1. Abstract
Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) as a rare but life-threatening fungal infection always resulted in unilateral clinical signs, which included ptosis, proptosis, periorbital swelling, facial swelling and dysesthesia.

The Impact of Concomitant Enteral Nutrition Therapy with Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Therapy in Active Pediatric Crohn’s Disease

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: In pediatric Crohn’s disease (CD), anti-TNF-ɑ medications remain a mainstay of therapy, but primary nonresponse and secondary loss of response remain significant concerns. Enteral nutritional therapy is also an effective therapy in pediatric CD. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of concomitant enteral nutrition (EN) with anti-TNF-α therapy compared to anti- TNF-ɑ monotherapy on outcomes in pediatric CD.

Microwave Ablation of Abdominal Wall Endometrioma: Case Report

1. Abstract
Abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE) is un uncommon type of endometriosis that develops more often after a surgical procedure. Typically, wide surgical excision is the treatment of choice when hormonal therapy fail to control the symptoms, although negative margins are necessary to minimize recurrences.

Application of Regenerative Medical Technology in Patients with Stage 4 Pressure Ulcers in the Sacral Tail and Buttocks: A Nursing Case Report

1. Abstract
1.1. Objective: To summarize the treatment and nursing experience of a patient with stage 4 pressure ulcers in the sacrococcygeal region and buttocks. Methods: On April 9, 2023, a patient with stage 4 pressure sores on the tail and buttocks was admitted to the Burn, Plastic and Cosmetic Department of Baise People’s Hospital as an example.

Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (Tdcs) on the Consumption of Medication for Migraine Control: A Systematic Review

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: Migraine is a disorder that has a pulsating, unilateral character, which worsens with physical exertion and hinders the quality of life of people who suffer from it. Even though there are several comorbidities related to the disease, pain control is the main objective and neuromodulation can be used in patients who have some drug intolerance or capacity for non-pharmacological management.

Study on the Absorption Components of Xin-Su-Ning Capsule in Rat Plasma and Myocardial Tissue Based on Uhplc-Qqq-Ms/Ms Analysis

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: The absorption process of Xin-su-ning Capsules (XSNC) in rats has not been reported, so this study studied the absorption components of XSNC in rat plasma and myocardial tissue based on the chemical composition characterization methods of XSNC.

Torsed Gangrenous Meckel’s Diverticulum Causing Gangrenous Ileal Segment: A Rare Case Report of Small Bowel Obstruction in Children

1. Abstract
1.1. Introduction: Meckel’s diverticulum (MD) is the most commoncongenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal system. It is caused by an incomplete obliteration of the vitelline duct. Rarely, it can
present with complications like torsion and gangrene formation.

Surgical Therapy of Hepatic Metastases Aimed on Assessment of Alternative Techniques in Non-Resectable Metastases

1. Summary
Certain surgical principles and operation techniques are used for centuries. Nobody can predict moving the limits and ranges to which point are these techniques possible to reach the point for the most successful outcome for patient, his quality of life and life of itself. Some surgical treatments are considered as standards, but years ago seemed impossible to perform.

Mesenteric Panniculitis Revealed by Chronic Pelvic Pain in an African Woman: A Case Report

1. Abstract
Mesenteric panniculitis is a non-specific inflammatory condition of the mesenteric adipose tissue most often revealed by non-spe- cific clinical signs. Therapeutic options have not yet been stand- ardised. Consequently, Its diagnosis and treatment remain a chal- lenge for professionals.

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