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March 11, 2025

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Physical Growth of Children in South Korea in the Past Four Decades―Cross-Sectional Vs Longitudinal Data

1. Abstract
Children Born in 2001 Grew to 1 Year Old (On Birth-Day) in 2002, 6 Years Old in 2007, —, 19 Years Old in 2020. They Didn’t Grow Instantly To 19 Years Old In 2002. Growth In Stature Is Longitudinal And Not Cross-Sectional In Nature.

Evaluation of Cranio-Vertebral Junction by Multidetector Computer Tomography

1. Abstract
1.1. Introduction: Normal morphometric measurements of craniovertebral junction is useful for evaluating abnormalities of the craniovertebral junction which helps in diagnosis of most abnormalities.

Green Garbage Fully Digest Gas Plant

1. Conceptual Paper
I have been using the Gober gas plant run by animal dung since 1995. During this period, I gained many positive experiences from it. It is a usual process that from the dung manure, gas comes out and goes into our environment. I was not aware of it that our environment is polluted by the production of gas secretion.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome with Nine Positive Anti-Glycolipid Antibodies: A Case Report

1. Abstract
1.1. Background Objective: to investigate the clinical character- istics of nine glycolipid antibody-positive patients.

Tuberculosis of the Penis: A Case Report

1. Abstract
In literature, very few cases of tuberculosis of the penis have been reported. We hereby present a case report. A 42-year-old man admitted to hospital with a chief complaint of a small, ulcerative growth over glans penis.

Metabolic Acidosis is a Condition of Excessive Blood Acidity

1. Abstract
Metabolic acidosis is a condition of excessive blood acidity characterized by an inappropriately low level of bicarbonate in the blood. A person with mild metabolic acidosis may not have symptoms, but usually has nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Breathing becomes deeper and slightly faster, but most people don’t even notice it.

Spinal Endoscopic Surgery for Tophi in Lumbar Spinal Canal: A Case Report

1. Abstract
Objective: To summarize the clinical efficacy of spinal endoscopic surgery in a patient with tophi in the lumbar spinal canal admitted to our hospital. Methods: This patient complained of low back and leg pain for 2 years, which was aggravated for 10 days. After admission, a routine examination was made to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan, and endoscopic spinal canal debridement was performed.

Drug Discoveries and Challenges for Polymeric Medical Packaging Devices

1. Abstract
Background of this study is to analyze different kind of challenges are facing during stability studies of the product. Significance of this study is whether the primary Medical Packaging devices are compatible with the product or not. Basic methodology is used wide ranges of Analytical testing required to avoid market complaint and financial loss of the company.

A Case of Perianal Crohn’s Disease with Atypical Digestive Symptoms and Latent Tuberculosis Infection

1. Abstract
Cutaneous Crohn’s disease (CCD) is a rare specific skin manifestation of Crohn’s disease (CD) that can affect the skin of the external genitalia, abdomen, and inguinal regions without involving the affected gastrointestinal tract.

Spontaneous Remission of a Pineal Region Cyst

1. Abstract
Cysts of the pineal region are benign, incidental and commonly present on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) performed for unrelated pathology. When reimaged they are usually stable in size
and imaging characteristics. The case report demonstrates spontaneous remission of a pineal cyst in a patient undergoing MR evaluation for cerebral infarction.

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