Acute Chest Syndrome and Coronavirus Disease May be Genetically Determined Exaggerated İmmune Response Syndromes in Capillaries all Over the Body
1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Sickle cell diseases (SCD) are severe inflammatory processes mainly on capillaries as the main distributors of hardened red blood cells (RBC) into the tissues. Moderate and severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may also be a genetically determined exaggerated inflammatory process on capillary endothelium all over the body terminating with high mortality rates […]
Do Placement of Orthodontic Mini-Implants in Different Locations Improve Skeletal Effects in Herbst Appliance? Since noncompliance of fixed appliances were introduced in Orthodontics, there has been a major improvement in the treatment of Class II cases.
Pathway Crosstalk Analysis of mTOR Gene in Insulin Resistance Mediated Obesity Using Microarray Data
1. Abstract Obesity is defined as the early deposition of adipose tissue caused by a consistent caloric intake that exceeds the individual’s caloric needs. As a worldwide issue, the rising incidence of obesity is a major source of concern—not because of sickness, but because of excess. Obesity is linked to a number of ailments, the […]
Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Abrus precatorius Leaves on Liver Enzymes in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Male Rats
1. Abstract Increased metabolic disorders are generally linked to the progression of diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study, we looked into the effects of the ethanolic extract of Abrus precatorius (A. precatorius) leaves on liver enzymes and glycaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic male rats.
Red Blood Cell Transfusions May Have the Stongest Analgesic Effect during Acute Painful Crises in Sickle Cell Diseases
1. Abstract 1.1. Background: The hardened red blood cells (RBC)-induced capillary endothelial damage, inflammation, edema, and fibrosis are initiated at birth, and terminate with disseminated tissue hypoxia, acute painful crises, multiorgan failures, and sudden death even at childhood in the sickle cell diseases (SCD).
Glaucoma-Silent Thief of Sight, a Study on Prevalence and Risk Factors among Adult Patients Attending Ophthalmology Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital
1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Globally, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, next to cataract. As per American academy of ophthalmology study 2014, it was estimated that 76 million people worldwide would suffer from glaucoma by 2020, and it is expected that by 2040 that number will increase to 111.8 million.
Occupational Lead Poisoning in Patients Attended at a University Hospital in Minas Gerais
1. Summary Lead is a heavy metal that has been used since ancient times, including in the production of wine with the aim of sweetening and reducing acidity. In the 1920s, this compound was added to gasoline, believing that it would result in better functioning of the automobile engine.
The DTR Technique – Drilling Through Roots of Posterior Teeth for Anatomically Guided Implant Placement – Case Series with 8 Year Follow Up
1. Introduction The surgical placement of dental implants for damaged or missing teeth is a well-established technique that has been well-documented in the literature, demonstrating a high percentage of success. In recent decades, there has been an increasing acceptance of immediate implant placement (IIP) following the first evidence of placing implants into newly extracted sockets […]
Reproductive Outcomes after Myomectomy: Intracapsular Rotary-cut Procedure (IRCP) Versus Conventional Myomectomy(CM)
1. Abstract 1.1. Objective: There is a substantial body of literature on fertility outcomes following conventional myomectomy (CM), whereas limited research exists regarding fertility outcomes after Intracapsular Rotary-cut Procedure (IRCP).Our aim was to compare the reproductive outcomes between IRCP and CM.
Age, Gender, and Liver Enzyme Impact Hospital Stay in COVID-19 Minority Patient with Cancer in the USA: Does Race Matters in the Pandemic?
1. Abstract Patients with cancer are known to have a poor prognosis when infected with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We aimed in this study to as- sess health outcomes in COVID‑19 patients with different cancers in comparison to non‑cancer COVID‑19 patients from different centers in the United States (US).