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March 11, 2025

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Issue 15

The Efficacy of Cisapride in Infants with GERD-Meta-Analysis

1.1. Background: Infants often have gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and Cisapride is prescribed for treatment. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Cisapride in treating GERD in newborns, while considering its adverse effects and its removal from the market. 1.2. Methods: A meta-analysis is performed on randomized clin ical trial studies conducted on Cisapride over the period 1987 to 2000, using the fixed-effect and random-effect models. Twelve clinical trials, with 512 infants (284 Cisapride treated and 228 Control Group) were chosen. 1.3. Results: According to a clinical score with a -0.72 weighted mean difference (WMD), a 2.94 quantile difference, and a P-val ue of 0.78, there is no evidence that Cisapride reduces the risk of vomiting, arrhythmia, or esophagitis compared with alternative treatments. 24-hour esophageal pH measurements found that the mean reflux rate was somewhat lower in Cisapride-treated neo nates. Two trials indicated that Cisapride therapy was ineffective, with a WMD value of 5.34 and a confidence interval (CI) ranging between -8.41-4.81. Six studies indicated the same efficacy of Cis apride and Control with WMD -0.42 and CI value of 0.47. 1.4. Conclusion: There was no significant variance in unfavour able conditions. Cisapride showed no clinically significant effects in infants with GERD.

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Megaloblastic Anemia

Folic acid and cobalamin are B-group vitamins that play an es sential role in many cellular processes in the body. Deficiency in one or both of these vitamins causes megaloblastic anaemia. This is a disease characterized by the presence of megaloblasts. Meg aloblasts occur when inhibition of DNA synthesis causes abnor mal maturation between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the cell. Megaloblastic anemia causes macrocytic anemia and intramedul lary hemolysis. The most common causes are folate (vitamin B9) deficiency and cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency. Megaloblas tic anemia can be diagnosed based on characteristic morphologic and laboratory findings. Therapy involves treating the underlying cause eg, with vitamin supplementation in cases of deficiency.

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Safety and Efficacy of Microwave Ablation to Treat Pulmonary Nodules with Hydromorphone Versus Morphine

1.1. Rationale and Objective: To compare the safety and efficacy of computed tomography-guided percutaneous microwave abla tion (MWA) in treating pulmonary nodules under conscious anal go-sedation with hydromorphone versus morphine. 1.2. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective before– after study. Between October 2020 and June 2022, 358 patients with 390 pulmonary nodules underwent 358 MWAs. Of these 358 patients who had consented to receive MWA treatment, 108 patients received morphine (group A) and 250 patients received hydromorphone (Group B). The individual characteristics of each patient and lesion, as well as technical information, clinical in formation, opioid-related complication, and numeric rating scale (NRS, 0=none, 10=worst) were collected and analyzed.

Safety and Efficacy of Microwave Ablation to Treat Pulmonary Nodules with Hydromorphone Versus Morphine Read More »

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration After Covid-19 Vaccination: A One-Year Observational Single-Center Study

Due to widespread vaccination caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, a large proportion of the population has experienced shoulder pain after vaccination. Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) may occur when the vaccine is not ad ministered properly. The electronic medical data of patients with shoulder pain who visited the pain Department of the First Affiliat ed Hospital of Soochow University from April 1, 2021 to April 1, 2022 were queried. Vaccination details, Numerical Scoring Scale (NRS), and Constant-Murley score were collected at baseline and at 1, 3, and 6 months’ post-treatment follow-up.

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration After Covid-19 Vaccination: A One-Year Observational Single-Center Study Read More »

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