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March 11, 2025

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Issue 12

Successful Rechallenge of Hepaftocellular Carcinoma with Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab Following Disease Progression

Systemic therapies to treat Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), a cancer with traditionally poor prognosis, have greatly advanced in the last five years with the advent of immunotherapies. The immune checkpoint inhibitor atezolizumab and anti-angiogen ic agent bevacizumab combination therapy is now recommend ed as first line treatment for unresectable HCC. Bevacizumab is associated with an increased risk of severe variceal or mucosal bleeding. We present a remarkable case of a patient with multifo cal HCC being treated with combination atezolizumab and bev acizumab therapy. The patient experienced complete response to combination therapy.

Successful Rechallenge of Hepaftocellular Carcinoma with Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab Following Disease Progression Read More »

Positive TESE after Orchidopexy of Bilateral Abdominal Cryptorchidism in an Adult: A Case Report

1.1. Background: Undescended testis is a congenital anomaly that is usually discovered in childhood and undergoes orchidopexy. Undiscovered adult patient with this condition usually undergoes orchiectomy due to atrophy of the testis and a high risk of ma lignancy. Retrieving vital germ cells from adult bilateral non-in tra-abdominal cryptorchidism is a very rare finding and the inci dence for intra-abdominal is even rarer. We was repotting the case of bilateral intra-abdominal cryptorchidism with positive TEAE during orchidopexy. We consider this is a first case was reported in English literate review. 1.2. Case Presentation: a 37-year male came to our clinic com plaining of infertility after eight years of marid. Examination showed absent of bilateral testis, and the ultrasound showed in tra-abdominal testis. His wife underwent an assessment that was normal for contributing female factors. A laparoscopic orchi dopexy was done; one testis were fixed to the scrotum, and the second was fixed to the inguinal. A TESE was obtained during the operation and showed viable sperm. 1.3. Conclusion: Our Aim is to report successful sperm extrac tion using TESE from intra-abdominal post-pubertal undescended testis

Positive TESE after Orchidopexy of Bilateral Abdominal Cryptorchidism in an Adult: A Case Report Read More »

Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of Maxillary Sinus :A Case Report

Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma (ESMC) originating in the sinonasal tract has rarely been reported. Reports related to its imaging features are even rarer, which makes preoperative diagnosis difficult. Here, we analyse and report the clinical, com puted tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging features of a 25-year-old male patient with pathologically confirmed ESMC in the maxillary sinus, hoping to improve the understanding and diagnosis of this disease, reduce misdiagnosis and missed diagno sis. Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in the maxillary sinus demonstrate typical imaging features, such as calcification , inhomogeneous enhancement, hemorrhage, necrosis and cystic degeneration.

Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of Maxillary Sinus :A Case Report Read More »

Use of the EIS (Electrical Impedance Segmentography System) in Less-Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in New-Borns Suffering from Respiratory Failure

1.1. Background and Aims: Electrical Impedance Segmentog raphy System simultaneously detects transthoracic impedance changes, which are directly proportional to the amount of gas vol ume in the lung, allowing regional and dynamic monitoring of pul monary ventilation in real time. It is a complementary technique to the most common methods used in the context of respiratory failure in the new-born. We want to demonstrate how a simple, non-invasive, free of radiation bedside monitoring method can provide us extemporaneous feedback about the ventilatory condi tion of the new-born suffering from respiratory failure and treated with surfactant administration, even before the aid of an X-ray is required.

Use of the EIS (Electrical Impedance Segmentography System) in Less-Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in New-Borns Suffering from Respiratory Failure Read More »

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