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August 7, 2023

Height Growth of School Boys, Japan and South Korea in the Past Half Century, Analyzed by Bayesian A/P/C Model

1. Introduction Japan’s economy recovered to the pre-war level in 1955 and start- ed to grow very fast to the end of the century. South Korea was some 20 years behind Japan, due to Korean War (1950-53) but grew fast to be on a par with Japan in the first of the current cen- tury. Children in the two countries grew in height appreciably in accordance with the economic development but Japanese children ceased to grow to plateau in height in the 1990s and the Korean peers also quit growing taller at all after having overtaken their Japanese peers by 3-4 cm in mean height in the mid-2000s, when the economy still prospered. One tends to assume that Japanese and Koreans as well had depleted their gene potentials in height [1].

Height Growth of School Boys, Japan and South Korea in the Past Half Century, Analyzed by Bayesian A/P/C Model Read More »

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