Positive TESE after Orchidopexy of Bilateral Abdominal Cryptorchidism in an Adult: A Case Report
1.1. Background: Undescended testis is a congenital anomaly that is usually discovered in childhood and undergoes orchidopexy. Undiscovered adult patient with this condition usually undergoes orchiectomy due to atrophy of the testis and a high risk of ma lignancy. Retrieving vital germ cells from adult bilateral non-in tra-abdominal cryptorchidism is a very rare finding and the inci dence for intra-abdominal is even rarer. We was repotting the case of bilateral intra-abdominal cryptorchidism with positive TEAE during orchidopexy. We consider this is a first case was reported in English literate review. 1.2. Case Presentation: a 37-year male came to our clinic com plaining of infertility after eight years of marid. Examination showed absent of bilateral testis, and the ultrasound showed in tra-abdominal testis. His wife underwent an assessment that was normal for contributing female factors. A laparoscopic orchi dopexy was done; one testis were fixed to the scrotum, and the second was fixed to the inguinal. A TESE was obtained during the operation and showed viable sperm. 1.3. Conclusion: Our Aim is to report successful sperm extrac tion using TESE from intra-abdominal post-pubertal undescended testis