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March 20, 2022

Sub-dural hematoma and COVID-19 infection: Re-bleeding following anti-coagulation. A case report

Chronic subdural hematoma generally occurs in elderly patients. Anti-coagulation is also a frequent risk factor for this disease. The objective of this report was to present the rare case of a right hemi spheric subdural hematoma associated with a COVID-19 lung in fection in an 81years old female patient, both diagnoses confirmed with imaging and biological work-up. On admission, she present ed with an altered general state as well altered state of conscious ness, chest pain and left side motor deficit. The management of the subdural hematoma was surgical while the COVID-19 pneu monia was managed using a medical protocol which included cu rative anticoagulation. The post-operative course was marked by re-bleeding of the subdural hematoma.

Sub-dural hematoma and COVID-19 infection: Re-bleeding following anti-coagulation. A case report Read More »


A 39-year-old man presented to the emergency room with com plaints of fever, shortness of breath and pronounced dry cough for 1 week. On physical examination, his respiratory rate was 28 breaths/min and his oxygen saturation was 87 % on room air, im proving to 96% on 8L/min oxygen via a non-rebreathing mask. He also had palpable crepitus around the neck and the upper thoracic region. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis of COVID-19 was positive. Chest computed tomography showed typical find ings of COVID-19 pneumonia, affecting 60% of lung parenchym


Endovascular treatment of common iliac artery aneurysm after open repair for ruptured AAA with commercially available devices in Bulgaria- case report

1.1. Background: True iliac aneurysms development is a major sign of aneurysm disease progression after open repair for Abdom inal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). We present our experience in en dovascular repair of true iliac aneurysm after open reconstruction for ruptured AAA with commercially available stent graft devices.

Endovascular treatment of common iliac artery aneurysm after open repair for ruptured AAA with commercially available devices in Bulgaria- case report Read More »

Herniation of the ovary into the canal of Nuck in a 3 month old female infant: A rare entity needing urgent Ultrasonography evaluation

Indirect inguinal hernia of the canal of Nuck containing the pelvic organs such as ovary is a rare entity among females of pediatric age group which presents as swelling of labia majora. It is caused by congenitally failed closure of the processus vaginalis in female resulting in the formation of a potential space which is named as “canal of Nuck” through which pelvic organs herniate. Literature review showed that in female infants around 15-20% of the cases, this canal of Nuck hernia contains ovary with or without herniation of fallopian tube.

Herniation of the ovary into the canal of Nuck in a 3 month old female infant: A rare entity needing urgent Ultrasonography evaluation Read More »

Management of Prolapsed End Transverse Colostomy: A simple local revision

Prolapsed colostomy is a well-known complication, occurring with transverse colostomies more frequently than other types of colostomies. It is usually managed conservatively when it is un complicated; however, surgical revision is advisable in complicat ed cases if the reversal of stoma cannot be done. We present a novel approach of local revision of transverse loop colostomy in a patient with synchronous splenic flexure and rectal adenocarcino mas, who was referred to our center after undergoing a Hartmann’s procedure for splenic flexure tumor, and still pending surgical op eration for rectal tumor. Here we describe a simple, reproducible procedure that does not involve entrance to the abdominal cavi ty, using readily available instruments in any secondary hospital. Post-operative follow-ups showed no recurrence, acute or chronic complications.

Management of Prolapsed End Transverse Colostomy: A simple local revision Read More »

Radiation Therapy of Thyroid-related Eye Diseases

Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is an autoimmune dis ease associated with thyroid-related posterior ocular and perimeter orbital tissue invasive lesions, with a very high incidence of adult orbital disease, with a male and female proportion of about 3:16. Patients with mild diseases have little impact on life, and moderate and severe cases will even lose vision and even blindness, which brings great inconvenience to life. Therefore, effective treatment is very necessary.

Radiation Therapy of Thyroid-related Eye Diseases Read More »

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