Health-related quality of life (HRQL) contains many aspects of patients’ health such as physical, psychological, social functioning and a general well-being. Progress in renal transplantation and im munosuppressive therapies have increased significantly in recent decades, resulting in allograft survival rates at one year is now over 90%. Numerous clinical trials have established the impor tance of quality of life in a variety of diseases, and it is extremely popular to evaluate quality of life in clinical trials as a measure of patients’ subjective state of health. The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with quality of life after renal trans plantation
1.1. Objectives: To screen out sensitive chemotherapy regimens for cancer stem cells (CSCs) from colorectal cancer (CRC) pa tients in northeast Sichuan of China and provide the basis for “re gional precision” targeted therapy
Tendon saving stapedotomy is a delicate surgical technique which saves stapedius tendon while removing anterior and posterior crua of stapes. Preserving the incus-stapes tendon alignment during op eration might give a chance to human’s protective mechanism to recover acoustic reflex, which has a protective effect from baro trauma. Also, there are few more known benifits for tendon sav ing, such as improvement in noise filtering, stabilization of incus during prosthesis insertion and preservation of blood supply to distal incus.
We present the case of a patient involved in a multiple-vehicle ac cident with massive thoracoabdominal trauma who was admitted to a Social Security specialized trauma center in Mexico City. He went through a very complicated postoperative course, including abdominal burst with evisceration, two low-output enterocutane ous fistulas (ECFs) and a central venous line-associated infection. Daily application of C.P.Z.O was carried out in the sites of infec tion. A substantial improvement of the abdominal septic ECF was achieved with the daily application of C.P.Z.O and strict wound care measures.
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