Long-term care of patients with chronic conditions in general prac tice rarely focuses on the treatment process. A specific interaction tool, the Review Dialogue (RD), has been developed to integrate patients’ health-related problems/risks as well as coping strategies and to agree upon shared treatment objectives assuming that peri odical RDs will help to achieve them. Initiated by the GP, the RD changes the role expectations of the patient and doctor. Therefore, the framing of the encounters is of particular importance.
Heterotopic pregnancy is defined by the presence of an intrauter ine pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy in any location, mostly in the uterine tubes. It is a rare obstetric pathology. However, in re cent years its incidence has increased due to assisted reproduction treatments. His diagnosis remains a challenge.
1.1. Introduction: Although papillary thyroid carcinoma is a rela tively common form of malignancy, metastatic spread to the skull is exceptional. Here, we report a case of papillary thyroid carcino ma revealed by frontal skull metastasis.
HER2-positive breast ASCC is exceptionally rare, its clinico pathological characteristics are insufficiently studied, and the im plications of neoadjuvant therapy, comprising targeted treatment against HER2. Here we reported that a 58-year-old woman with a histopathological diagnosis of HER2-positive ASCC gave a neo adjuvant therapy of albumin-paclitaxel, carboplatin in conjunction with trastuzumab every 3 weeks.
1.1. Study Objective: The study aims to review the current lit erature on sickle cell disease and dental implant as a treatment modality for the replacement of the missing dentition.
Porcelain veneers have long been a popular restorative option that have evolved into a well- accepted treatment that can be fabricated in various ways. Onlays are another common treatment modality used in contemporary dentistry to restore large areas of decay and to replace old restorations.
Asymptomatic patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), are silent carriers of the disease. We aimed to characterize their dynamics of disease occurrence, viral shedding and antibody responses using a cohort of asymptomatic/ minimally symptomatic patients from Sri Lanka during the first wave of COVID-19.
Glucagonoma is an extremely rare pNETs, usually presenting with glucagonoma syndrome, Necrolytic Migratory Erythema (NME) is mostly the first clinical manifestation of glucagonoma syndrome. Here we describe a rare case of glucagonoma syndrome accom panied with chronic necrolytic migratory erythema and multiple liver metastasis in a 23-year-old female patient.
Mckittrick-Wheelock syndrome is a fatal and life threatening diag nosis if no interventions taken on time. It is due to a large distal co lon polyp that secretes body salts including sodium and pottasium and thus, causing severe diarrhea and dehydration to the patient.
Toxic megacolon is defined as an acute non-obstructive inflam matory condition with dilatation of the bowel causing septicemia and peritonitis. The cut off point for the bowel dilatation is taken as 6cm and above with loss of haustration on imaging.
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