This work contains information about military neurosurgical traumas with their complications. Here will be spoken about neurosurgical medical treatment in the present military actions (local military conflict in Don bass from 2014 till nowadays).
Plasma cell granuloma (PCG), also known as inflammatory pseudotumor, is a rare non neoplastic lesion. Although the etiology of the lesion is unclear, an altered antigen antibodyreaction have been implicated to play a role. Some authors consider PCG to be a result of inflammation following minor trauma or surgery
Coronary cameral fistula is a sizeable communication between a coronary artery, bypassing the myocardial capillary bed and entering a chamber of heart. It constitutes 0.2%-0.4% of congenital cardiac anomaly.Sixty percent of these fistula arise from the right coronary artery and terminate mostly (90%) in the right side of the heart
In patients with colorectal cancer, peripheral nerve symptoms as an adverse effect of oxaliplatin (L-OHP) can result in dose restrictions of L-OHP. Presently, there is no effective cure for the peripheral neuropathy caused by L-OHP. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of PGN in unresectable and metastatic colorectal cancer patients with peripheral neuropathy.
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