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March 11, 2025

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Gastric Carcinoma – Experiences with Comparison of D2 And mD2 Lymphonodectomy

1. Summary
Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, begins when cells in the stomach start to grow out of control. A tumor can be cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body.

Coinfection of Schistosomiasis and Hepatitis C in Egypt: Challenges and Possible Management Strategies

1. Abstract
Schistosomiasis, also implied by Bilharzia is a parasitic infection, caused by worms. It has been reported that most human infectious worms are “Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum “, as they mainly depend on human blood for their nourishment.

The Influence of Medical Leadership and Non-Medical Leadership in Hospitals’ Performance: A Systematized Review

1. Abstract
1.1. Introduction: managers play an important role in guaranteeing that firms operate efficiently and reach their goals. Hospital managers are no different, regardless of whether the hospital is a for-profit or a nonprofit organization. In western countries in the past, hospitals were routinely led by doctors.

Esophageal Carcinoma Questioning the Benefito Multiorgan Resection in Case of Advanced Distal Esophageal Carcinoma – Case Report

1. Summary
Distal esophageal carcinoma is in most cases adenocarcinoma, very rarely cases with metaplasia, many times with spreading into cardia of stomach.

Prenatal Diagnosis of Bronchogenic Cyst at the Lingual Base: Case Report

Clinical Case Report
A 39-year-old female woman with no previous history presented at 19 weeks of pregnancy for a routine fetal ultrasound. It was her third pregnancy with no notable event so far. No particular familial or personal medical history was revealed. The biometry corresponded to a term of 19 weeks and 4 days gestational age of a male fetus with no major malformation except a cervical cystic mass that was discovered near the floor of the mouth.

The Shift from Removable Dentures to Fixed Implant Dental Prosthesis in Complete Edentulous Diabetic 2 Patients: A Case Report

1. Abstract
This report aims to shift from removable complete dentures to fixed prosthodontics with the help of one-piece immediate loading dental implants among type 2 diabetic patients to reach full patient satisfaction, considering the functional and esthetic aspects. There are three types of diabetes mellitus: Type 1 (insulin-dependent), Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent), and gestational.

Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis of Lumbar Spine Mimicking Pott’s Disease: A Case Report

1. Abstract
The clinical and radiological presentations of pyogenic spodylodiscitis are similar to spinal Pott’s disease. The diagnosis must be done with combination of clinical manifestation, radiological findings, blood, biopsy and histopathological findings. Pyogenic spndylodiscitis of lumbar spine can be treated as conservatively; and or surgically by anterior or posterior single or double stage decompression with fixation if poorly response to medication or severe neurological compromises present.

Corpus Alienum – Case Report

1. Summary
A foreign body [FB, from the Latin corpus alienum] refers to any object that was originated outside the body. Most of the references to FB involve their entrance through natural orifices into hollow organs, thus one of the most common locations for a FB is the digestive tract.

Structural Evolution of a Multicomponent Liquid: Modelling and Analyse

1. Statement of the Problem
At the present stage of creating new generation materials and devices, the task is not only to control their properties but also to use them effectively in various fields, including medicine. The purpose of the article is to develop and use in practice, for example, forensic examination, an effective non-destructive method that allows analyzing the structure of liquids, in particular, blood serum.

Acute Chest Syndrome and Coronavirus Disease May be Genetically Determined Exaggerated İmmune Response Syndromes in Capillaries all Over the Body

1. Abstract
1.1. Background: Sickle cell diseases (SCD) are severe inflammatory processes mainly on capillaries as the main distributors of hardened red blood cells (RBC) into the tissues. Moderate and severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may also be a genetically determined exaggerated inflammatory process on capillary endothelium all over the body terminating with high mortality rates in some families.

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