1. Short Communication
When asking such a question, you see confusion in the doctor’s
eyes. Experts from other fields of science will say that such a
system does not allow any interference in its operation.
1. Abstract
1.1. Background: The hardened red blood cells-induced capillary endothelial damage is initiated at birth, and terminate with accelerated atherosclerosis, multiorgan failures, and sudden death even at childhood in sickle cell diseases (SCD).
1. Abstract and Introduction
Stature is a net measure that captures the supply of inputs to health (Steckel, 1995, p.1903) [1].
1. Introduction
This book is intended for teachers and students to more easily understand the basic things that are necessary understood before becoming a nurse. Nursing as an integral part of health service, also determines the quality of health service.
1. Abstract
An eating disorder is when a person eats more or less all foodstuff, water and liquids not remineralisation in saliva. These behaviours affect our metabolism and physical, mental, and endocrinal glands. Through genes, these kinds of behaviours go to our foetus.
1. Abstract
Diabetic foot related infections are the main causes of major amputations in diabetic patients [1]. In particular, hindfoot ulcers and infections are often harder to treat.
1. Summary
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced primarily by syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the placenta during pregnancy. The hormone stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progester- one to maintain the pregnancy.
1. Letter to Editor
This is the letter from the patient and his family I found while moving the house and going through all the stuff. Not only my paper, but also papers of my beloved partner.
1. Abstract
The aim of the study was to formulate Moringa oleifera leaf extract into silver nanoparticles using green synthesis method and evaluating their antihypertensive activity.
1. Abstract
An 18-year-old male sustained an isolated gunshot wound to the abdomen with an entrance wound in the right lower quadrant. He was transported to a level 1 trauma center from an outlying hospital. He received tranexamic acid (1 gram) during transport.
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