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March 11, 2025

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Preliminary Study on the Application of “5G+AR” Portable Equipment for Emergency in Zhoushan Islands

1.1. Background: The geographical environment of Zhoushan Is lands makes it difficult for people to get standardized emergency treatment. Based on the current two hot technologies, we devel oped “5G+AR” remote consultation equipment to improve peo ple’s medical treatment.

A 16-Year-Old Girl with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

A 16-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital with severe ab dominal pain that could not be relieved. She was initially misdi agnosed as enterocolitis and did not improve after symptomatic treatment, the rupture of the spleen and massive blood accumu lation in the abdominal cavity were detected by ultrasonography and CT (Figure 1).

Immunogenic Issues in Diabetes, Implications for Covid-19

This research is written by a person with Type 1 Diabetes diag nosed 44 years ago, treated with insulin 43 years, and with a 50- year career in healthcare.

Long-Term Outcomes in Older Patients with Sepsis in the ICU: A Retrospective Study

Aim: This study compared the characteristics of older and younger patients with sepsis and analyzed the risk factors associated with 28-day and 90-day mortality in critically ill patients.

Why Korean Teens Started Declining in Height Growth in The Midst of Economic Prosperity: Despite Increasing Supply of Animal Protein?

In ten years after the end of WWII, Japan’s economy recovered to the prewar level and achieved fast and steady progress toward the 1990s. People, the young in particular learned to eat animal prod ucts and the teens grew in height nearly 10 cm by the early-1990s and plateaued in stature after that. South Korea was two decades behind Japan in economic development due to the Korean War (1950-53) and then has achieved uninterrupted progress to parallel with Japan in respect of living standard by the turn of the century.

MRI-Guided Stereotactic Craniotomy to Set the Diagnosis of CNS Cryptococcosis. Case Report and Review of the International Literature

Cryptococcosis – a fungal infection – mainly caused by Crypto coccus Neoformans and Cryptococcus Gattii, may affect human central neural system (CNS) with various clinical manifestations. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by direct CSF microscopic exami nation for encapsulated yeasts by India ink preparation. However, sometimes laboratory tests may not be indicative and brain imag ing with biopsy is necessary to reveal the cause in order to offer the adequate beneficial treatment to patients.

Report of a Severe Case of Pancytopenia Caused by Chronic Brucellosis in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Brucellosis is a type of zoonotic infectious disease that causes se rious harm to public health. Inner Mongolia has become one of the most severely endemic areas of brucellosis in China.

Frequency of Autoimmune Diseases Associated with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents in Albania

1.1. Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is the most common chronic autoimmune metabolic and endocrinological dis ease of children and adolescents. Children and adolescents with T1D are at increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseas es; more often autoimmune thyroiditis followed by celiac disease and other conditions, which significantly affect the clinical man agement of the disease, metabolism and quality of life, especially in the pediatric age.

Esophageal Stenosis Due to Coexisting Conditions Dysphagia Aortica and Thoracic Compression Fractures

A 90-year-old woman presented to the emergency room with dyspnea and a sensation of being choked after eating red rice with beans. This was her first such experience.

A Case of CR Efficacy of Toripalimab for Stage IV Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a relatively common malignant tumor of the skin. There are individual differences among different tumor patients and possible differences in the combination of drugs in treatment.

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