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Initiation Practices, Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers on Infants Exclusive Breast feeding at Daboase in the Wassa East District, Ghana

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Infants exclusive breastfeeding remains the only imperative and befitting approach for ensuring infants below 6 months get the vital nutrients needed for optimum growth and prevent child stunting. This study investigates initiation practices, knowledge and attitude of mothers on infants exclusive breast feeding at Daboase in the Wassa East District, Ghana.

Splenic Artery Aneurysm

1. Abstract 1.1. Purpose Splenic artery aneurysm (SAA) is uncommon disease. Reported SAAs are increased because of advanced radiological diagnostic modalities. The aim of this study is to analyze of clinical findings of SAAs and to evaluate of endovascular therapies of SAAs.

Comparison of Efficacy between Nitrous Oxide Analgesia and Pericervical Analgesia in Office Operative Hysteroscopy with 16 Fr Mini-Resectoscope: A Randomized Clinical Pilot Study

1. Abstract Pain is the primary cause of failure in hysteroscopy. It can be at tributed to multiple causes, such as manipulation of the cervical canal, uterine distension due to the liquid distension media used during the procedure, operative procedures on the endometrium, up to the release of prostaglandins following manipulation of the cervix and […]

A Biographical Note Regarding My Academic Path

1. Abstract I engage into the research of theoretical chemistry and condensed physics based on first-principles. My research directions cover a wide range among physics, chemistry, as well as materials science. To list a few representative research interests: 1. molecular spectra; 2. chemical kinetics; 3.

Pine Pollen Impacts Testosterone-Related Symptoms in Older Men: A Pilot Report

1. Abstract 1.1. Purpose: The primary goal of this beta study was to determine the effects of consuming a proprietary tincture form of Pine Pollen extract [Pinus massoniana pollen] during an eight-week open-label trial on the clinical outcomes in older men with initial symptoms of low testosterone. The secondary goal was to determine the total […]

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