A Rare Case Report: Meniere Disease with Bilateral Internal Acoustic Canal Osteomas
1. Abstract Internal acoustic canal osteaomas are uncommon noncancerous bony growth and they have no aggressive behavior.
1. Abstract Internal acoustic canal osteaomas are uncommon noncancerous bony growth and they have no aggressive behavior.
1. Abstract In a preceding study, Kaposi sarcoma (KS) associated with hu- man immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been found frequent in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
1. Abstract 1.1. Aims: Intermittent treatment with oral antihistamines and nasal sprays are costly, may not completely resolve symptoms and can cause varying degrees of sedation. Probiotics are perceived to exert beneficial effects in the …
1. Abstract A case of primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) was reported, in which a patient developed intracranial venous sinus thrombosis accompanied by subarachnoid hemorrhage during oral administration of 25 mg/d of Eltrombopag. The patient discontinued …
1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Infants exclusive breastfeeding remains the only imperative and befitting approach for ensuring infants below 6 months get the vital nutrients needed for optimum growth and prevent child stunting. This study investigates …
1. Abstract I engage into the research of theoretical chemistry and condensed physics based on first-principles. My research directions cover a wide range among physics, chemistry, as well as materials science. To list a few representative research interests: 1. molecular spectra; 2. chemical kinetics; 3.
1. Summary The quality factors of tuna juice (Opuntia ficus indica) flow index, consistency index and creep index, were important in the rheo- logical characterization and acceptance of this food; reducing the difficulties for technologies of this product.
1. Abstract Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection inducing anti-erythropoietin (anti-EPO) antibodies is rarely reported. In this article, a case of a hemodialysis patient who developed high titers of anti-EPO antibodies after COVID-19 infection leading to PRCA successful treatment with tacrolimus and Roxadustat.
1. Introduction Ureteral strictures represent a common urological challenge, often requiring repeated interventions. This case report presents a patient with bilateral ureteral strictures who successfully underwent staged bilateral robotic-assisted ureteral reconstruction using a buccal mucosa graft (BMG).
1. Abstract Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most frequent non-Hodg kin lymphoma, and until now the best treatment has not been de fined, most studies show an excelent Overal Survival (OS), but relapse is observed at very short time. Thus, actually the goal of most studies is to Increase …
1. Abstract The standardized curves of physical development in infancy should reflect the reality of developmental phenomena. Especial- ly curves using percentile values, it is important to verify developmental changes by analyzing growth rate curves.
1. Introduction Appendiceal mucocele is a very rare entity, which according to the literature is found in only 0.3% of appendectomy specimens. Average age of diagnosis is considered around 50 years,
1. Abstract Loeffler endocarditis is a rare restrictive cardiomyopathy caused by hypereosinophilic syndrome, characterized by hypereosinophilia and fibrous thickening of the endocardium causing progressive onset of heart failure.
1. Abstract The enzyme Chitotriosidase (Chit) has been used as a marker of macrophage activation, given its high value in plasma of patients with strong phagocytic activity. Intrathecal neuroinflammation has been reported in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and described to persist for days or weeks in humans
1. Abstract Cystitis glandularis, a rare benign proliferative disease of the urinary bladder mucosa, is usually a microscopic finding and manifests rarely as a large visible macroscopic lesion of urinary bladder.
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