Whole tumor volume based histogram analysis of ADC for differentitating between WHO grade II and III glioma
The therapeutic approaches and prognosis for gliomas differ con siderably for different tumor grades, it is hence important to accu rately assess glioma grade for treatment planning. In addition to the use of conventional mean value, several studies have reported the use of histogram analysis of ADC in glioma grading [1,2]. How ever only the differentiation between low grade and high grade was concerned, whereas differentiation between grade II and III remains challenging.
Texture analysis of quantitative ADC maps to differentiate low from high grade glioma
Accurate discrimination between high grade gliomas (HGG) and metastatic brain tumor (MET) using noninvasive imaging is essen tial for selecting appropriate surgical and radiotherapy treatments and for determining the treatment response.
The Role of Mutations on Genes PLAGL1 & ZEP57 in 6q24-Related Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome
6q24 Transient Infant Diabetes Syndrome is a type of diabetes that occurs in infants. This form of diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) caused by a lack of the hor mone insulin. 6q24 neonatal transient diabetes syndrome is caused by the overactivity (overexpression) of certain genes in an area of the long arm (q) of chromosome 6 called 6q24. Humans inherit two copies of their genes, one from the mother and the other from the father.
Managment Of Long Term Care In Era Covid-19
COVID-19 gives the chance to address long-term care categories that are sometimes disregarded and undervalued, such as nursing and residential homes, as well as homecare. Each method of de livering long-term care must meet the highest possible standards of ongoing care and quality of life. More study and evaluation are needed to aid decision-making and policy-making, particularly on the cost-effectiveness and cost-quality elements for each country, region, or system. So far, data suggests that person- and relation ship-centered solutions, paired with coordinated health and social care, as well as telehealth, are effective in ensuring fast, person alised answers to people. There are common principles to consider regardless of the situation (private home or nursing home).
Renal failure and Quality ofLlife Indicators in Kidney Transplantation
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) contains many aspects of patients’ health such as physical, psychological, social functioning and a general well-being. Progress in renal transplantation and im munosuppressive therapies have increased significantly in recent decades, resulting in allograft survival rates at one year is now over 90%. Numerous clinical trials have established the impor tance of quality of life in a variety of diseases, and it is extremely popular to evaluate quality of life in clinical trials as a measure of patients’ subjective state of health. The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with quality of life after renal trans plantation