Safety and Efficacy of Modified BRTO-Assisted Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Injection for the Treatment of Isolated Gastric Varices with Gastro-Renal Shunt
Ectopic embolization is the most serious complication of gastric variceal Cyanoacrylate injection for the treatment of isolated gastric varices (IGV) with gastro-renal shunt (GRS). To evaluate the safety and efficacy of modified balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration-assisted endoscopic Cyanoacrylate injection (E-BRTO) for the treatment of IGV with GRS.
The Role of Genetic Mutations in Y Chromosome Infertility Syndrome
Sex chromosome Y infertility is a genetic disorder that affects sperm production and causes affected men to become infertile. Most men with Y chromosome infertility syndrome have some sperm cells in their urine that can be extracted for this purpose.