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Surgical Care of a Young Man with a Gunshot Wound of the Abdomen

1. Abstract An 18-year-old male sustained an isolated gunshot wound to the abdomen with an entrance wound in the right lower quadrant. He was transported to a level 1 trauma center from an outlying hospital. He received tranexamic acid (1 gram) during transport.

Editorial – Letter of Patient’s Gratitude

1. Letter to Editor This is the letter from the patient and his family I found while moving the house and going through all the stuff. Not only my paper, but also papers of my beloved partner.

Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis of Lumbar Spine Mimicking Pott’s Disease: A Case Report

1. Abstract The clinical and radiological presentations of pyogenic spodylodiscitis are similar to spinal Pott’s disease. The diagnosis must be done with combination of clinical manifestation, radiological findings, blood, biopsy and histopathological findings. Pyogenic spndylodiscitis of lumbar spine can be treated as conservatively; and or surgically by anterior or posterior single or double stage decompression […]

The Shift from Removable Dentures to Fixed Implant Dental Prosthesis in Complete Edentulous Diabetic 2 Patients: A Case Report

1. Abstract This report aims to shift from removable complete dentures to fixed prosthodontics with the help of one-piece immediate loading dental implants among type 2 diabetic patients to reach full patient satisfaction, considering the functional and esthetic aspects. There are three types of diabetes mellitus: Type 1 (insulin-dependent), Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent), and gestational.

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