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March 24, 2025

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We invite researchers worldwide to submit their original work to our open-access journals. Our editorial team ensures every article goes through a careful international peer-review process. Once accepted, your work will be freely accessible to everyone—no login required to read or download articles in full text or PDF formats. Below, we’ve outlined everything you need to know about manuscript formats, submission processes, copyright, CrossMark, and publication policies.

Submission Policy

  • Your manuscript must be original and not previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report).  
  • Submit your work electronically through our **online submission system** or via email at

What to Include in Your Submission:  

  • A cover letter with:
  • Author names, article title, and affiliations.  
  • Corresponding author’s email.  
  •  Number of attached files.  
  • Your manuscript file (text, tables, figures, references, and supplementary materials) in Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or PDF.  
  • Graphics in EPS, BMP, JPG, TIFF, GIF, or PDF.  
  • Tables in MS Word or PDF.  

Multiple Authorship:

If your manuscript has multiple authors, ensure all authors agree to the submission and its content. The corresponding author is responsible for keeping co-authors informed throughout the review and publication process.

Timeline for Review

  • You’ll receive an initial decision within 20 days on average. 
  • Need faster feedback? Request a fast-track review in your cover letter, and we’ll aim to provide a decision within 7 days.

Types of Manuscripts

 We accept a variety of manuscript types. Here’s a quick overview:  


Word Limit


Original Articles

5,000 (supplemental content allowed)

Required Sections: Abstract, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusion.

Structured abstract: 500 words max.

Review Articles


Summarize current research, integrate recent advances, or analyze consensus views.

Case Reports & Case Series


Structure: Introduction, Case Description, Conclusions.



Thoughtful discussions on current research topics.

Brief Reports


Short versions of clinical studies.



Commentary on previously published articles or current research trends.

Patient Care


Tools, procedures, or algorithms used in patient care.

Letters to the Editor


Responses to recently published articles.

Clinical Trials


Research projects with human participants.

Surgical Techniques


Innovative surgical methods or improvements.

Manuscript Structure

We’re flexible on format—what matters most is your data. However, here’s a suggested structure:  



Title Page

Full manuscript title, Authors’ names and affiliations, Corresponding author’s contact details, Funding sources (if applicable), Statement of equal authors’ contribution.


Structured with Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion (500 words max).

Main Text

Organized into sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Captions.

Figures and Tables

Figures in EPS, BMP, JPG, TIFF, GIF, or PDF. Tables in MS Word or PDF. Include legends for all figures and tables.


Cite references in the order they appear. Provide links to sources (DOIs encouraged).

Supplementary Material

Accepts supplementary files, videos, and animations to enhance research.

Step to Step Process of Manuscript

  • All manuscripts undergo a thorough peer-review process.  
  • Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest.  
  • Revised manuscripts should include a point-by-point response to reviewers’ comments.Production Process
  • Once accepted, your manuscript will be language-edited and formatted.  
  • You’ll receive PDF proofs for final approval. Copyright
  • Authors retain copyright.  
  • Articles are published under Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs, allowing non-commercial sharing and reuse.  
  • Authors can present their work at conferences and distribute copies.  
ACMCR Archive

Articles Published


All articles are fully peer reviewed free to access and easy to download from our Site.

Digital Object Identifier

Content Registration at Crossref and DOI assignment for all published articles

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