Multi-traumatized patient with a dehiscent fistulized abdomen and a central venous line-associated infection successfully treated with a new medical device II

We present the case of a patient involved in a multiple-vehicle ac cident with massive thoracoabdominal trauma who was admitted to a Social Security specialized trauma center in Mexico City. He went through a very complicated postoperative course, including abdominal burst with evisceration, two low-output enterocutane ous fistulas (ECFs) and a central venous line-associated infection. Daily application of C.P.Z.O was carried out in the sites of infec tion. A substantial improvement of the abdominal septic ECF was achieved with the daily application of C.P.Z.O and strict wound care measures.

Multi-traumatized patient with a dehiscent fistulized abdomen and a central venous line-associated infection successfully treated with a new medical device II Read More »