From Simple Painkiller to an TNF-Alpha Inhibitor and Back Again or Doing Less is Always More in Geriatrics
81 y old male in LTCF with primary learning disability and cervico-dorso-lombarthrosis treated by WHO level 1 painkiller
81 y old male in LTCF with primary learning disability and cervico-dorso-lombarthrosis treated by WHO level 1 painkiller
Osseous metaplasia in clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC) is uncommon with few cases reported. We present a case of a 66year-old male in which a right renal lesion in a colorrectal screening was incidentally identified. Computed tomography scan revealed a heterogeneous enhanced mass lesion having areas of hemorrhagic and specks of calcification.
Myeloid neoplasm with eosinophilia is a kind of unusual hematological malignancy. Back in the morphological diagnosis era, the prognosis was generally poor and the best treatment for these cases was allo-stem cell transplantation. According to the classification of eosinophilic diseases revised in the 2008 WHO scheme of myeloid neoplasms and reaffirmed in 2016, more detailed cytogenetic rearrangement and molecular mutations were included in the diagnosis and treatment algorithm.
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