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Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis of the Left Limb in Range from Vena Poplitea Up to Vena Ilica Communis Ending in the Stream of Vena Cava Inferior in Patient Pregnanant in 38th Week of Pregnancy – Case Report – Is it Possible to Manage these Kind of Patients on just the Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology?

1. Introduction of Deep Vein Thrombosis Thrombosis is a blood clot in a blood vessel (a vein or an artery). Venous thrombosis occurs in a vein. Veins are the blood vessels that take blood towards the heart and lungs whereas arteries take the blood away. A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that […]

A Paradigm Shift in the Utilization of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in Clinical Practice

1. Abstract Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), frequently referred to as plasmapheresis. is an automated procedure which separates whole blood into plasma and blood cells. The plasma is discarded and replaced with physiologic fluids and returned to the patient along with the blood cells. Theoretically, any disease in which a humoral phase is implicated in the […]

Mycobacterium Chelonae Line Sepsis in a 4-Year-Old Male with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

1. Abstract 1.1. Background: Mycobacterium chelonae (MC) was isolated from an immunosuppressed four-year-old with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. This was initially dismissed as gram positive bacil- li diptheroid based on gram staining. Several more blood culture bottles flagged up positive in quick succession. A review of the gram stain with additional ZN staining revealed acid-fast bacilli […]

Treatment Challenges of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms During Pregnancy: A Case Record and Review of the Literature

1. Abstract 1.1. Objective: Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) during pregnancy is a rare but serious complication associated with significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Due to a limited number of published cases, development of guidelines for the management of aSAH in pregnant women has proven difficult and treatment remains a challenging and multidisciplinary task. […]

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