Body packer syndrome in Sri Lanka
Body packing represents the concealment of illegal substances in a person’s body with the aim of smuggling. Body packers either swallow drug-filled packets or introduce drug-filled packets into their bodies through rectum or vagina.
The lethal effect of COVID-19 on pregnancy associated with Neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN)
From December 2019, starting from Whuan, COVID-19 pandemic was threatening the entire world population with a major lethal potential. This new infection, with SARS-CoV-2, induces and maintains in human body a significant disturbance in the homeostasis of immune reactions followed by a multiorganic morphological and pathophysiological alterations.
Adult T Cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia with renal infiltration: A Case report from Sri Lanka
Adult T Cell Leukaemia/Lymphoma (ATLL) is a rare T cell lymphoproliferative disease associated with Human T Cell Lymphotropic Virus-1 (HTLV1) endemic in some parts of the world and therefore has a distinct demographic distribution. There are no cases of ATLL reported in Sri Lanka thus far hence this is the first reported case. Renal parenchymal infiltration in ATLL is extremely rare.
Persistent hyperglycemia in brain tumor patients treated with dexamethasone peri-operatively and post-operatively
1.1. Objectives: Corticosteroid are commonly used for the management of vasogenic edema and increased intracranial pressure in patients with brain tumors. The purpose of this study was to investigate postoperative and persistent hyperglycemia in patients with brain tumors treated with corticosteroid.