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Non-traumatic Postpartum Subdural Hematoma: A Case Report Of Probable Complication Of Preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a condition that affects nearly 8% of pregnant women, usually during the second half of pregnancy (from around 20 weeks) or soon after their baby is delivered. A spontaneous subdural hematoma associated with preeclampsia is extremely rare. The author is reporting in this article the case of a 32-year-old woman with 34 weeks of gestation, who sought treatment for high blood pressure, headache, and proteinuria. Nearly 6 weeks after a cesarean delivery of a stillborn baby, the patient developed headache and palsy of the left VIth cranial nerve. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a left hemispherical subdural hematoma, with midline deviation.

Celidocranial dysostosis followed for 25 years. Presentation of a case

CleidocranialDysostosis is an autosomal dominant scale dysplasia. We present a case of CleidocranialDysostosis of a female patient with deformities in the development of the osteomyoarticular system due to clavicular agenesis, deficiency in mandibular development and dentition, which was diagnosed very early in childhood.Follow-up is carried out in the orthopedic consultation for 25 years, reaching the main conclusion that the development of this entity affects little the psychosocial development of the patients.

Gravitation – Flat Power Field

A new principle of origin and the nature of the action of gravity forces are proposed. Forces of universal attraction have plane-symmetrical directions. On this basis, it becomes possible to reconsider certain regularities in natural science. The new principle of gravitation will allow to explain physical paradoxes, to improve methods of scientific research and some technological processes.

Decisions During Covid-19 Pandemic in A Middle-Income Country: A Case Report of Fast-Growing Breast Cancer in A Pregnant Woman

In this Brazilian breast cancer (BC) case report, we described a pregnant woman diagnosed with BC during the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. The uniqueness of the case reported is related not only to the particularly fast-growing patient’s situation but also to consider the consequences caused by the pandemic context. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened some difficulties in BC assessment and treatment that we already had previously in Brazil,

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