Whole Blood Gene Expression Profiling in Response to Treatment for Septic Shock: A Case Report
Septic shock develops as a result of the rapid progression of sepsis due to the massive release of proinflammatory mediators, and is characterized by severe hypotension and tissue hypoxia.
Syringoma is a benign eccrine sweat gland tumor affecting mostly females at puberty projected with multiple soft papules usually 1-2 mm in diameter. During puberty, syringoma appears among females; it is presented as multiple soft papules, 1-2 mm in diameter, as a benign eccrine sweat gland tumor. The sites of predilection are lower eyelids, and cheeks
The nature of Primary Care
It’s important to define what Primary Care is and the priorities and context in which Primary Care works. After few but important and cornerstone words on Primary Care as in Alma Ata Declaration, we needed a Document defining what General Practice is and its competencies, a really authoritative view on what family doctors in Europe should be providing in the way of services and health to patients, at the highest quality and cost effective.