A Questionnaire on Adoptive Cell Therapy Among Syrian Medical Students
Adoptive Cell Therapy (ACT) is a type of immunotherapy, in which immune cells are implanted in patients to help them cure diseases (such as cancer). It is a new technique that has proven its effectiveness in treating different types of cancer, especially melanoma, breast cancer, and colon cancer.
Delayed post-traumatic splenic rupture after fall in a hemodynamically stable patient with undiagnosed pancreatic malignancy which occluded both splenic artery and vein
The spleen, due to its anatomical position, is the most frequently injured organ of the abdomen due to blunt trauma. Herein we describe the case of a 59-year-old female patient who fell from the same height and five days later she complained of persistent pain in the left hypochondrium
Modifield Desarda Repair and Hernioplastia Lichtenstein Repair for Inguinal Hernia
1.1. Introduction: The objective of this study is to compare the outcomes of Modified Desarda repair no mesh and Lichtenstein repair for inguinal hernia.
An Atypical presentation of Primary Tubercular Psoas Abscess Presenting as Groin Pain
Psoas abscess, a collection of pus in the iliopsoas compartment is an unusual lesion that is unfamiliar to many medicine specialists, which can make an accurate and timely diagnosis problematic. The symptoms associated with this disorder often involve hip pain instead of abdominal or back pain