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Sexual function and dysfunction among patients with systemic and auto-immune diseases

Systemic autoimmune diseases affect various organs and they can determine sexual dysfunction in females and males patients particularly with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis (SSc), Sjögren syndrome (SS), antiphospholipid syndrome, Behçet’s disease and other vasculitis. Sexual dysfunction among patients with rheumatic diseases is multifactorial due to disease-related factors (chronic disease aspects, disease activity) as well as therapy.

Comments on article Continuous shortwave diathermy with exercise reduces pain and improves function in Lateral Epicondylitis more than sham diathermy: A randomized controlled trial

I read very carefully the article “Continuous shortwave diathermy with exercise reduces pain and improves function in Lateral Epicondylitis more than sham diathermy: A randomized controlled trial.” by Babaei-Ghazani et al. (2020) [1] and I would like to congratulate the authors because this was the first trial to investigate the effectiveness of Continuous Shortwave Diathermy (CSWD) in Lateral Epicondylitis (LE) patients.

A wandering atrial pacemaker in inferior wall infarction. Escape or survival rhythm? A case reports

Coronary sinus rhythm is an ectopic atrial rhythm supposedly originating from a pacemaker at the mouth of the coronary sinus; recognized in the electrocardiogram by P-waves that are inverted in leads II, III, and VF with a normal or prolonged P-R interval. In myocardial infarction, this presentation can reveal a wandering atrial pacemaker. We present a case of a wandering atrial pacemaker with inferior wall MI complicated by complete atrioventricular block.

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